Lemon Balm

“I like to speed things up. I grow quickly, and my seeds germinate quickly, so I can spread quickly. I cover the ground quickly and in thick mats. This makes me happy because it gives me a good chance of survival.”
Hello happiness
Is there any greater praise for an herb than to call it the “elixir of life”? That's what the famous Swiss physician Paracelsus called lemon balm. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) was once grown as a source of nectar for bee colonies. That's why the ancient Greeks named it “Melissa” after the Greek word for honeybee.
As a medicinal plant, the fast growing lemon balm was a highly valued herb in Europe and Arab countries as early as the first millennium. It was used to treat heart disease and strengthen the brain. But lemon balm had another particularly valuable ability: it was said to be effective against melancholy and depression. An old herbal book says, “People like to laugh when they eat it because it makes the heart happy.”
Facts and Figures
- 1611
- “Mélisse des Carmes”, a famous elixir made from lemon balm, was first produced.
- Lemon balm is considered a calming herb that can also lift the spirits.
- 4
- A lemon balm plant can be harvested for up to 4 consecutive years.
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