“My attractive little flowers are my great luxury.  I do a lot to keep them pretty. So I dig deep into the ground to get the water I need. My flowers are my pride. Here’s my message to the pollinators: Please come and help yourself.”

All pure 

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is also a member of the widely branched and well-known mint family. This hardy, low-maintenance plant is native to southern and eastern Europe. It has a sweet fragrance and a strong, minty, slightly bitter flavour. For this reason, it has long been used to flavour food and drink and as a purifying remedy in folk medicine. 

Hyssop is mentioned in the Bible (Book of Exodus) as “Ezov”, the “holy herb”. It was used by the ancient Hebrews in purificatory sprinkling rites, but modern research indicates that this herb is identical to hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) only in name.

Facts and Figures

Hyssop can live for an impressive 20 years.
tree planting icon
Hyssop grows up to 60 cm tall.
A hyssop plant can be harvested for up to 4 consecutive years.


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